.::4th InnoForum 2012 ::.

InnoFORUM Overview
The InnoFORUM series of workshops seek to merge distinct communities; namely, government bodies, research communities, financial establishments, and the industry. Thus, they provides an opportunity for individual and corporate innovators in large or medium-sized companies, public organizations as well as IPR experts and Intellectual Property Offices to meet with other stakeholders in the area of IPR and innovations in order to share their views, communicate their experience and explore the "science of innovation".
"Green Economy: Innovation & IPR", May 25, 2012, AIT, Athens, Greece
4th InnoForum 2012
Athens Information Technology (AIT) is pleased to invite you to the 4th InnoFORUM Open Workshop on "Green Economy: Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights” that will take place on May 25, 2012 in Athens, Greece, at AIT premises.
Your participation is free of charge.
"Green Economy: Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights”
In a time of financial crisis and climate change there is a profound need for an economy that simultaneously promotes sustainability and economic growth while significantly reduces environmental risks and ecological scarcities. An economy of “low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive” ; an economy that “generates growth, creates jobs and eradicates poverty by investing in and preserving the natural capital offers upon which the long-term survival of our planet depends”.
"Green Economy: Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights”
In a time of financial crisis and climate change there is a profound need for an economy that simultaneously promotes sustainability and economic growth while significantly reduces environmental risks and ecological scarcities. An economy of “low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive” ; an economy that “generates growth, creates jobs and eradicates poverty by investing in and preserving the natural capital offers upon which the long-term survival of our planet depends”.
The InnoFORUM workshop seeks to explore the challenges and opportunities of the Green Economy. Specifically, it will examine the role of innovation in “greening the economy”, leading this way to sustainable growth, effective resource management, environmental quality and social conditions for prosperity. At the same time, it will consider the legal issues and IPR implications that are raised by the emergence of such a “green” economic development model.
InnoFORUM Overview
The InnoFORUM series of workshops seek to merge distinct communities; namely, government bodies, research communities, financial establishments, and the industry. Thus, they provides an opportunity for individual and corporate innovators in large or medium-sized companies, public organizations as well as IPR experts and Intellectual Property Offices to meet with other stakeholders in the area of IPR and innovations in order to share their views, communicate their experience and explore the "science of innovation".
Event organizers: RIE Group (Research in Innovation & Entrepreneurship)
Prof. G. Yovanof
Dr X. Ziouvelou
Prof. G. Yovanof
Dr X. Ziouvelou